Pausing with a Panther takes 5 minutes to get to know one of our esteemed teachers, staff, and students. What will today’s 5 min. reveal for us?

Izabell Tunison

More stories from Izabell Tunison


Ms. Kristen Sharp

The English departments news teacher is Ms. Kristen Sharp and this local lady grew up right down the road in Temperance, Michigan. As a kid she was  a very athletic, active, and social child. She played sports year round so she was always on the go. She attended Jackman Road Elementary, Bedford Junior High School, Bedford High School, and The University of Toledo.  Ms. Sharp shares that she comes from a pretty big family and her parents are high school sweethearts, meeting and falling in love at Whitmer High School. Her Panther-parents have been married for over 30 years. She has three sisters and one brother. Ms. Sharp goes also explains that two of her sisters are married and each one has two beautiful daughters, making her an aunt of four of the most strong, smart little girls.

This is her first year as a teacher and she is in the exciting process of carving out her career path. While it is her first year employed as a teacher, this is her second year at Whitmer High School.  Last year she was a student teacher  working and learning alongside the amazing and magically-talented English master Mr. Eric Worstell. She would like everyone to know that she is so very happy to be here and proud to be a Panther. 

What has given you a serious laugh attack recently?
There is a news video of a pig whose name is Chris P. Bacon and the newscaster cannot get through the story because he is laughing so hard. I CANNOT watch that video without dying laughing

Imagine, you won the lottery today. What would you do? Where would you go?
I would take a month-long vacation around the European countries. Then I would come home and buy the coziest house in the suburbs of a big city, preferably

What is your guilty pleasure song or music (listen to alone or don’t admit to)?
Any Hannah Montana or High School Musical song. I will listen to them while working out and it 100% pumps me up.

What motivates you to work hard?
My future self. I just want to do whatever it takes to make the future Ms. Sharp happy!

If I gave you $50,000 to start your own business, what business would you start?
Workout clothes for the vertically challenged. I am a whopping five feet two inches tall and I swear, no workout clothes fit me well.

 If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or back to the past?
I would travel back to the past. Preferably back to the 90’s, when kids played outside until the street lights came on and social media was not a thing. (I know this is not too deep into the past, however life was just simple)

What kid’s movie is scary to you?
Hands down Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. To this day I cannot watch it because it gives me nightmares.

Are you a cat or dog person?
Both! I have two Goldendoodles and always thought I was a dog person. Until my sister bought my two year old niece two kittens. My niece named them Hug and Kissy and then I realized I can in fact be a cat person as well. Hug is my dude.

If you could perform with any musician, who would you pick and why?
Justin Bieber, but during the time period of Bieber Fever.

Which three famous people would you invite to a dinner party?
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and Prince William. There is some tea (no pun intended) there and I need to figure it out.